(This post is sponsored by my friends at Jennie-O!) While everybody and their mothers are recovering from all the fatty football food, Tim and I somehow managed to resist all temptations and eat something healthy for a change. But don’t feel sorry for us, on the contrary! This Turkey, Kale and Rice Soup definitely hit the spot and helped us stay warm on this bone-chillin cold Big Game Sunday. And tomorrow, when everyone is hungover and feeling lousy because of all the greasy indulgence, I will be feeling swell, with a lot of energy to work on a bunch of recipes and clean my whole apartment. Actually… scratch that! If the weather is as cold as it was today, my Brazilian body will be under the covers catching up on some Netflix shows. ??? And having some leftover soup, of course! ?

Truth be told, I’m not really a football gal. But Tim was watching, so I started watching too and by the end of the game I had picked the team I wanted to win (“spoiler”: we lost!) and was yelling at the TV as if I had been born watching this sport. ??? But now, as I finish typing this post and start getting ready for bed, I am really glad we decided to skip all the partying and stayed home eating a comforting bowl of turkey rice soup. I feel light, cozy and oh so ready to get under the blankets! Insomnia, you have nothing on me tonight! And that makes me realize we need to have healthy yummy soup for dinner more often! The benefits are just too amazing.

One of our New Year Resolutions this year is to eat better. Not lose weight or cut calories, but to eat things that are good for us and make us feel good! And Jennie-O makes it easy to eat well. ❤️ Either it’s in the form of this comforting turkey rice soup or in a hearty chili, tasty meatballs or carb free lettuce wraps, ground turkey definitely makes a weekly appearance in our lives! I love Jennie-O turkey so much that I’m honored to announce I’m one of their ambassadors this year, so you can expect lots of delicious turkey recipes coming your way! How exciting is that? (And no, even though this is amazing news, it is not the epic news I promised you last time we spoke. You just gotta be more patient! ?)

This recipe also works great with leftover turkey, like the day after Thanksgiving or Christmas. But for the rest of the year, make sure you stock up on some Jennie-O ground turkey, cause I guarantee you’ll be making this over and over again!

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