Don’t worry, it will only take you 10 minutes. Saying this fruit salad is colorful is an understatement. I mean, come on, just look at it! This drool-worthy treat is a feast for the eyes and the tastebuds, for sure. From the orange peaches and oranges, yellow pineapple chunks, red strawberries, green kiwi, and cream-colored bananas, this fruit salad is the embodiment of all things bright and beautiful! What makes it stand out from other fruit salads, though, is the dressing. Instead of whipped cream or sugar syrup, it calls for something unique.  Want to give a fresh spin to your fruit salad? This recipe is calling out your name.

Fruit Salad with Peach Pie Filling 

From look to taste to texture, this fruit salad gets an A+.  My mom would always make this fruit salad for Christmas, but because it’s such a simple recipe, she’d also make it on regular days, as well. She would use whatever fruits are in season, so it’s almost always different every time. Because fruits have similar flavor profiles – sweet with varying levels of tartness – they all taste well together. So you can throw whatever you want in there, and the salad will still taste good. The medley of fruits alone is already stunning. But of course, it doesn’t end there.  As you may have guessed, the secret ingredient that takes this fruit salad to the next level is peach pie filling. If you think it’s odd, well, I urge you to try it. Trust me, it’s a game-changer! Not only does it give the fruits a nice, sweet coating, but it also makes preparation a breeze. There’s no need to whip up a dressing, the filling takes care of that for you. That said, all you really need is to drain the fruits and slice them up. Then, just toss them together, and voila! 

Why Add Pie Filling to Fruit Salad?

A medley of fruits is already undeniably delicious on its own. But it also couldn’t hurt to add a dressing, syrup, or glaze just to tie in all the flavors together.  For this recipe, we’re using the glaze from a canned peach pie filling to coat the fruits, giving them that extra pop of flavor.  Aside from the sweetness, the glaze also keeps the fruits moist and juicy. It also helps prevent the fruits from browning. It’s a simple technique that works wonders!

Can This Fruit Salad Be Made in Advance?

Yes, definitely. Fruit salad keeps well in the fridge, so you can make it as early as 5 days in advance!  Plus, fruit salad tastes best when chilled, anyway, so you’ll really need to prepare it about 7 hours in advance. If you want bananas in your salad, though, don’t add them just yet. Peel, slice, and toss them in the salad right before you serve it. Bananas tend to brown and mushy once exposed to air.  You also won’t want to add the maraschino cherries (if using) until right before serving. If you’re okay with the glaze turning red, though, by all means, add the cherries right away.

Tips for the Best Salad 

Drain the canned pineapple and mandarin oranges well. Otherwise, your salad will be too watery. I like to pour the contents of the cans into a colander an hour before I make the salad to ensure that every drop of syrup is drained. Give the colander a good shake right before tossing the ingredients together.Slice the peaches into bite-sized pieces. It’s optional, but it does make for easier eating. Ripe fruits are soft and prone to crushing, so be gentle when tossing them together. You can also add the mandarin oranges last since they’re the most fragile.Use as many fruits as you want! There’s no limit to the fruits you can add to your salad. I’m talking grapes, blueberries, mangoes, melon, watermelon, cherries – you name it. Go for all the colors of the rainbow!Slice the bananas last. They’ll start to turn brown quickly after peeling. If you’re making this salad ahead of time, don’t add the bananas until right before serving. The same goes for maraschino cherries.You can replace peach pie filling with other canned fruit fillings, such as apple, apricot, cherry, and strawberry.If you’re using apple pie filling, which contains cinnamon, it’s smart to add fruits that taste great with cinnamon. I’m looking at you, apples and berries! This salad is already delicious as it is, but for a bit of a kick, add a pinch of nutmeg. For an extra layer of crunch, toss in some crushed nuts. Pecans, cashews, pistachios, walnuts, or almonds all work well.Cover the salad bowl with plastic wrap and store in the fridge for up to 5 days.Do not freeze fruit salad. The fruits will release liquid when thawed, resulting in a watery salad. Yikes.Serve the fruit salad on its own as a side dish, or to top your favorite cakes and desserts. This salad pairs beautifully with a light and airy angel food cake. You can also serve it as a stand-alone dessert with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. Yum!

Will Frozen Fruit Work in Fruit Salad?

Absolutely. That’s the beauty of fruit salad – it looks and tastes good whether you use fresh, frozen, or canned ingredients. Just be sure that you that the fruit in a strainer beforehand, otherwise, your salad will be watery, and the glaze from the peach pie filling will lose its sweetness. Click on a star to rate it!

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Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 26Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 75Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 45Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 26Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 99Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 24Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 3Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 58Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 37Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 13Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 5Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 35Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 28Fruit Salad With Peach Pie Filling - 13