It’s Sunday night here in Sydney and I swore I was going to be healthy this week – starting from tonight. I had salad for dinner and I am munching on carrot sticks as I write this post. So I have to tell you, it is absolute, complete and utter torture writing up this recipe and looking at these photos. Describing to you how delicious this is, trying not to remember every creamy bite, the golden bubbly cheese, the juicy chicken, that sauce….that white sauce…. Ugh. Someone help me. This “health kick” isn’t going to last beyond tomorrow morning at this rate. I feel my resolve weakening rapidly. Months and months and months ago, a reader sent me a recipe for White Chicken Enchiladas. I must admit, I had my doubts. A sauce made with a sour cream base? Really? The minute I made it, I fell in love. As I do, I became obsessed and made it multiple times within a very short space of time, adding my own touch. The sauce. Seriously. I’m obsessed! The sour cream adds a subtle tang to cut through what would otherwise be a very heavy sauce, akin to the white sauce in rich French gratins. I also like to add fresh or canned jalapeños to it which adds a touch of zing and freshness.

I like to throw in corn and scallions for the filling. It fills it out more so it’s not just chicken, and also adds a touch of freshness into an otherwise very rich dish. Feel free to substitute it with whatever vegetables you had on hand – anything diced works! I’ve even made a vegetarian version of this (gasp, shock horror!). Regular readers will know that meat-free isn’t really my “thing”. But this White Sauce is so good, I knew that a vegetarian version would rock. And indeed it did! I used a mix of black beans, corn and other diced vegetables, and oh boy. I promise you, I did NOT miss meat. 🙂 However, having said that, my favourite is this chicken version. Hence why I’m sharing this with you today. This is easy to make and it’s great for make ahead too! I like to prepare the Enchiladas but keep the sauce separate. Then on the night of, I pour the sauce over, scatter over cheese and pop it in the oven. Dinner’s up! – Nagi x

  If you enjoyed this, then my Beef Enchiladas are a must try!


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